Monday, June 6, 2011

Trusting Your Gut may not be easy at times, yet it's worth the treasures gained in the end

I recently had a one on one "reading" with someone who validates insightful information I know is sitting inside seeking a voice; usually it's something I'm still on the fence about, for some reason or another. 

The reading led to making a decision that feels totally in sync with my purpose. In making this choice I put myself back in the drivers seat of creative, financial options, absent a fear or trepidation in moving in this direction.  Hallelujah!!!

A short detour.  About a year ago, in attempting to venture out towards an entire new direction, the walls I metaphorically smacked into seemed to to be saying, "danger, danger, the door to this pathway is tightly closed; don't go any further".  Uh Oh!

Except...the door closed was actually one of my own making.  I wasn't fully trusting my own, divine intuitive guidance in this scenario; as with being a new path, my legs were still young and wobbly.

So rather than continuing onward and upward I quickly retreated.  In allowing the outer noise of my financial world to dictate the options, on impulse I chose what seemed to be the easiest way out; or so I made up....

Within 4 months of manifesting money this way, my soul began feeling parched and listless.  I traded  fearless faith in alignment with my souls purpose for a "logical" course of action; only to find it was literally choking my inner essence in a slow, painful lingering dance of death.

My professional life became creatively bankrupt as the job is seriously left brain, therefore it leaves little room for intuitive, creative expansion and growth of any kind.

I found myself tuning out the magical essence that flows when trusting my gut.  I found myself trying to go around the gap being created in my heart, rather than dealing with it head on.

I made up how'd it'd be just too painful to face head on; as facing it meant consciously acknowledging how "my lack of trust and faith in who I am" put me in this box in the first place.

Instead I superficially attempted to make little shifts that would keep me in the comfort zone by scouring the internet for a different box - thinking, "perhaps I could trade this box in for a bigger or brighter one.  Nope...came the answer through the doors that continued to stay closed.

Alrightee!!! What is up, I was saying to my higher self, "you and I both know how easy it is to manifest what my heart desires in a pretty quick turnaround, SO...what is the real deal here???

Four little letters re-surfaced again...same dance, different song...F.E.A.R of going out on a limb and jumping in with both feet, 100% fully committed towards experiencing what truly makes my heart

Add some impatience for results to that mix and out comes a cookie cutter rendition completely opposite of what had been an enriching gorgeous landscape filled with the creative process of experiencing gracious, divine trust and appreciation for all that is; regardless of the circumstances.

On a side note, below is a nugget of wisdom I'm slow to grasp until metaphorically smacking a wall.

In the driver's seat of life, I always...get to choose...whether things will be smooth, or rough; whether things will be easy, or hard.  The Divine Intelligence of All that flows, I believe, gave each soul this nifty resourceful tool in regards to human "free will".

And with this free will option, so too comes matching circumstances.  As long as I open myself up to play the game of living in a box lined with fear and impatience, the elements of fear and impatience will continue to reside in the box of circumstances that show up as a result.

Back to the reading that led to my current decision.  I learned why the door opened up to that career detour and because of that nugget of wisdom was able to release it fully; in love and appreciation to my highest best.

And, was reminded, again, that divine wisdom graciously flows through each and every breath of life in loving service to our heart's desires; therefore the responsibility of creating a life that actualizes my highest potential, or not, literally rests on my shoulders; regardless of present day circumstances.

I decided to surrender the professional box that was never really going to acknowledge or validate my purpose on the planet; especially since it wasn't set up to do that in the first place.  That's my responsiblity.

The moral of the story.  Sometimes taking the road less traveled can appear to be a bumpy ride, at times totally turned upside down; especially if you find yourself driving forward in completely unchartered territory without a familiar roadmap.  This process at times can shake the very rafters of all that seemed safe and comforting.

Yet, in the midst of these transitions, wonder if by choosing to listen to your higher self, you find a delightful co-driver in the passenger seat?  A very wise, insightful companion, carrying the perfect essentials necessary, to shine light on all the unknown aspects, in perfect sychronicity with the reasons you opted to drive this pathway in the first place. 

What doors would you find yourself opening then?

Of course free will gives the option on driving down a path that feels safe, familiar and comfy.

Yet if in making that choice wonder if it's one that ends up costing the freedom to fully spread our wings in order to actualize the limitless, authentic potential lovingly offered our bodies through each breath of life.

Don't know about you, but with all I put myself through this past year, deciding to take the road less traveled feels creatively free and unfettered - outside the box of any one desiring to place any kind of control over what I can and cannot do with my valuable time and energy.  It feels good to be back in the drivers seat.

Much love and appreciation to ALL who choose to "trust their vibes" regardless of appearances.  You are the Unsung Heroes dancing merrily along the Road Less Traveled!

Namaste....til next time!

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